BeepingMe Service Provider values your Privacy. In this Privacy Policy Agreement, we describe the information that we collect from you when you visit our Website and app. We also explain how we use and disclose the collected data. This Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the BeepingMe Terms of Use. Your use of the app and/or services and any personal information you share with us is subject to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.


Personal information is defined to include information that, whether on its own or in combination with other information, may be used to identify or contact you, such as name, address, email address, phone number, etc. readily.

We collect personal information from Service Professionals offering their products and services. This information is wholly or partially accessible to all visitors using the BeepingMe website or mobileapplication, either directly or by submitting a request for a service. Service Professionals and customers are required to create an account to be able to access certain portions of our Website, such as to submit questions, participate in polls or surveys, to request a quote, to provide a bid in response to a quote, and request information, if and when they create and use an account with BeepingMe, will be required to disclose and provide to BeepingMe information including personal contact details, bank details, personal identification details (such as PAN card, Aadhar card, phonebook, call logs, etc.) and participate in polls or surveys or feedbacks, etc. Such information gathered shall be utilized to ensure greatercustomer satisfaction and help a customer satiate their needs. The type of personal information that we collect from you varies based on your particular interaction with our Website or mobile application.

Consumers: During the Account registration process and your usage of BeepingMe Website or application, we will collect information such as your name, postal code, telephone email address, and other personal information. You may also provide us with your mailing address and demographic information (eg.gender, age, political preference, race or ethnic origin, and other information relevant to user surveys and offers). We may also collect personal

information that you post in your Offer Profile Wants, or Feedback, and any comments or discussions you post in any blog, chat room, or another correspondence site on the Website or mobile application, or any comments you provide during dispute resolution with other users of the Website or mobile application.

Service Professionals. If you are a Service Professional and would like to post any information about yourself, we will require you to register for an Account. During the Account registration process, we will collect your business name telephone number, address, zip code, travel preferences, a description of your services, a headline for your profile, first and last name, and email address. Other information may also be required to be provided to BeepingMe while you avail and use BeepingMe Website or application Also, you may, but are not required to provide other content or information about your business including photographs and videos We also may collect payment information, such as credit card information from you.

Background Verification: The Service Professional acknowledges that as part of the on-boarding process, the Company or an entity/agency appointed or nominated by the Company (Verifier), may undertake background verification checks of the Service Professional to authenticate among other things the genuinenessand competency of the Service Professional. In light of the above, the Service Professional expressly consents to and acknowledges the following.

• The Service Professional does not and will not have any objection to BeepingMe sharing the Service Professional’s personal information and documents, including but not limited to name, gender, date of birth, addresses, mobile number, email, education record, employment record, Aadhaar number, other government-issued IDs such as Voter ID, PAN card, driving license, etc. (collectively “Proprietary Information”) with the Verifier for background checks and verification.

The Service Professional authorizes the Verifier to securely store the Service Professional’s Proprietary Information on their platform and understands that the Verifier shall endeavor to ensure confidentiality of the same.

• i) The Service Professional acknowledges that the digital record of the Proprietary Information on the Verifier’s platform shall be accessible to BeepingMe and BeepingMe and their authorized users/partners/affiliates/contractors shall be entitled to

access and update such digital record on the Verifier’s platform, including data, documents, certificates, verification reports, references, testimonials, etc. and shall be entitled to use the related services provided via the Verifier’s platform.

• iv) The Service

Professional acknowledges that if the Service Professional is desirous of editing and/or deleting its digital record from the Verifier’s platform, it shall be entitled to do so by sending an email to such email address of the Verifier which shall be immediately provided by the Company to the Service Professional, and in such a manner as the Verifier requires the same.

v) BeepingMe reserves its right to take appropriate actions (in its sole discretion) according to the outcome of the background check and verification. BeepingMe reserves the right to record the conversation between service professionals and consumers facilitated by BeepingMe through the messaging/chat mechanism on the platform or the calls made through the virtual numbers provided to safeguard the Privacy of consumers and service professionals. All the chat/messaging logs or call recordings can be used to but not limited to monitor and prohibit abuse, safeguard the rights of consumers and service professionals, resolve disputes.

If we deem it necessary, in our sole and absolute discretion, we may also ask for and collect supplemental information from third parties, such as information about your credit from a credit bureau (to the extent permitted by law), or report to verify any identification details you provide during registration.


You may log into our Website through your Facebook account. If you do so, you must enter the email address and password that you use for your Facebook account. We will ask that you grant us permission to access and collect your Facebook basic information (this includes your name, profile picture, gender, networks, User IDs, list of friends, date of birth, email address, and any other information you have set to public on your Facebook account). If you allow us to access this information, then we will have access to this information even if you have chosen not to make that information public.

We store the information that we receive from Facebook with other information that we collect from you or receive about you.

Facebook controls the information it collects from you. For information about how Facebook mayuse and disclose your information, including any data you make public, please consult Facebook’s privacy policy. We have no control over how any third-party the Site uses or discloses the personal information it collects about you.


We and our third-party service providers, which include ad networks, use cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of our Website and Services such as your browser type, your ISP or operating system your domain name, your access time, the URL of the previous Website you visited your page views, your IP address, and the type of device that you use.

We also track how frequently you visit our Website and use our Services We use this information (including the data collected by our third party service providers for Website analytics (including to determine which portions of our Website are used most frequently, what our users like/do not like), to assist us in determining relevant advertising (both on and off our Website), to evaluate the success of our advertising campaigns, and as otherwise described in this Policy Currently, we do not honor browser requests not to be tracked.

We may obtain your device ID which is sent to BeepingMe servlets and used in fraud prevention efforts.

Cookies We and our third-party service providers collect information from you by using cookies. A cookie is a small file stored on User’s computer hard drive containing information about the User The cookie helps us analyze web traffic or informs you about your use of a particular website Cookies allow web applications to respond to you os an individual tailoring its operations to your needs, likes, and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.When you visit the Website, we may send one or more cookies (i.e., a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters) to your computer that identifies your browser.

Some of these cookies may be connected to third party companies or websites. The terms of use of such cookies are governed by this Policy and the privacy policy of the relevant third party company or Website. For example, Google measures advertisements’ performance by placing cookies on your computer when youclick on ads. If you visit the Website when you have such cookies on your computer, Google and we will tell you that you saw the ad delivered by Google. The terms of use of these cookies are governed by this Policy and Google’s Privacy Policy.&nbsp

Disabling Cookies

You can choose to accept or decline cookies Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer.

If you disable cookies you may be prevented from taking full advantage of the Website because it may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled.

Clear GIFs, pixel tags, and other technologies. Clear GIFs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on your computer’s hard drive, clear GIFs are embedded invisibly on web pages. We may use clear GIFs (aka, web beacons, web bugs or pixel tags), in connection with our Website to, among other things, track the activities ofWebsite visitors, help us manage content and compile statistics about Website usage. Our third-party service providers and we also use clear GIFs in HTML emails to our customers, to help us track email response rates, identify when our emails are viewed, and track whether our emails are forwarded,


a. This app contains a software development kit (“SDK”) from a third party, The SDK is integrated with this app for the purposes of profiling the device on media consumption and other device data and utilizing the same to analyse media behaviour and/or target relevant content and ads to the device Services’)under the terms and conditions of third-party (Terms of Use)&nbsp.

&nbsp b. if you do not wish for third-party to identify television, radio and other offline content viewing around your mobile device, please opt out of all third-party Services.

&nbsp c. Third-party does not collect any personally identifiable information or audio/video / image/contact files from your mobile device. For any questions or clarifications please reach out to us.

&nbsp d. Third-party also automatically receives and tracks certain data about your mobile device (such as your device-type, installed software and language preference) your tops and interests, and may create a unique device or user ID for you In some cases RBL can automatically detect or infer your location Using GPS, your IP address watermark, but often your operating system will require you to grant third-party permission to access your GPS. Please refer to your devices system settings regarding location services.

&nbsp B. How BeepingMe Uses the Information We Collect


&nbsp • We collect your personal information and aggregate information about the use of our Website and Services to better understand your needs and to provide you with a better Website experience. Specifically, we may use your personal information for any of the following reasons:&nbsp

• Tổ provide our Services to you, including registering you for our Services, verifying your identity and authority to use our Services, and to otherwise enable you to use our Website and our Services,&nbsp

• For customer support and to respond to your inquiries,

&nbsp • For internal record-keeping purposes,

&nbsp • To process billing and payment, including sharing with third-party payment gateways in connection with Website and/or BeepingMe products and Services,

&nbsp • To improve and maintain your Website and our Services (for example, we track information entered through the “Search” function; this helps US determine which areas of our Website users like best and areas that we may want to enhance, we

Also, will use for trouble-shooting purposes, where applicable.

&nbsp • To periodically send promotional emails to the email address you provide regarding new products from BeepingMe, special offers from BeepingMe or other information about BeepingMe that we think you may find interesting;

&nbsp • To contact you via email, telephone, facsimile or mail, or, where requested by text message, to deliver certain services or information you have requested

For BeepingMe market research purposes, including, but not limited to the customization of the Website according to your interests.

&nbsp • We may use your demographic information (ie. age, postal code, residential and commercial addresses, and other various data) to more effectively facilitate the promotion of goods and services to appropriate target audiences and for other research and analytical purposes.&nbsp

•To resolve disputes, to protect ourselves and other users of our Website and Services, and to enforce our Terms of Use.

&nbsp • We also may compare personal information collected through the Website and Services to verify its accuracy with personal information collected from third parties; and

&nbsp • We may combine aggregate data with the personal information we collect about you.&nbsp

• From time to time, BeepingMe may use personal information for new and unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our Privacy Policy. If our information practices change regarding information previously collected, BeepingMe shall make reasonable efforts to provide notice and obtain consent of any such uses as may be required by law.

&nbsp C. Electronic Newsletters, Invitations, Polls and Surveys

At our sole discretion, BeepingMe may offer any of the following free services on the Website, which you may select to use or receive at your option Certain of the following services may require you to provide additional personal information as detailed below:


We may offer a free electronic newsletter to users. We will gather the email addresses of users who sign up for BeepingMe for the newsletter mailing list. Users may remove themselves from this mailing list by opting out of receiving newsletters duringthe registration process, by following the link provided in each newsletter that points users to a subscription management page where the user can unsubscribe from receiving newsletters or by changing their preferences in their Profile Settings page.

&nbsp 2 “SEND TO A FRIEND”

&nbsp Our Website users can voluntarily choose to electronically forward a link, page, or document to someone else by clicking “send to a friend” To do so, the User must provide his or her email address, as well as the email address of the recipient. The User’s email address is used only in the case of transmission errors and of course, to let the recipient know who sent the email.The information is not used for any other purpose.

&nbsp 3. POLLING

&nbsp We may offer interactive Policy to users so they can easily share their opinions with other users and see what our audience thinks about important issues, Services and/other WebsiteOpinions or other responses to polls are aggregated and are notidentifiable to any particular user. We may use a system to tog users after they have voted, so they can vote only once on a particular question. This tag is not correlated with information about individual users We may conduct User survey from time to time to better target our content to our Website users. We will not share individual rosponses from these surveys with ony third party. We will share aggregate data with third party service provider partners and otherthird parties. We also will post aggregate data.

&nbsp 4. SURVEYS

We will be containing survey responses on our Website that data may be viewed and downloaded by other users

of our Website.

&nbsp D. Security

We employ procedural and technological security measures, which are reasonably designed to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure BeepingMe may use encryption, passwords, and physical security measures to help protect your personal information against unauthorized accessand disclosure. No security measures, however, are 100% complete.&nbsp

Therefore, we do not promise and cannot guarantee, and thus you should not expect that your personal information or private communications will not be collected and used by others. You should take steps to protect against unauthorized access to your

password, phone, and computer by, among other things, signing off after using a shared computer, choosing a robust password that nobody else knows or can easily guess, and keeping your log-in and password private. BeepingMe is not responsible for the unauthorized use of your information or for any lost, stolen, compromised, passwords, or for any activity on your Account via unauthorized password activity.

&nbsp E. Disclosure

&nbsp We may share the information that we collect about you, including your personal information, as follows:&nbsp


We may disclose your information including Personal Information of: BeepingMereasonably believes that disclosure is necessary in order to comply with a legal process (such as a court order, search warrant, etc.) or other legal requirement of any governmental authority, disclosure would potentially mitigate our liability inan actual or potential lawsuit reasonably necessary to enforce this Privacy Policy, our Terms of Use etc., disclosure is intended to help investigate or prevent unauthorized transactions or other illegal activities, or necessary or appropriate to protect our rights or property or the rights or property of any person or entity.



&nbsp We may contractwith various third parties for the provision and maintenance of the Website

Services and our business op and BeepingMe may need to shore your personalinformation and data generated by cookies and aggregate information(collectively. “information) with these vendors and service agencies. ForExample, we may provide your information to a credit card processing company toprocess your payment. The vendors and service agencies will not receive anyright to use your personal information beyond what is necessary to perform itsobligations to provide the Services to you. If you complete a survey, we also

may share your information with the survey provider if we offer a survey inconjunction with another entity we also will close the results to that entity.


&nbsp Your request forservices may be shared with third party websites with whom we have a

contractual relationship in order to provide your request with maximumexposure. The post on the third party website will include the details of yourrequest, including your location, and other contact details Interested bidders,however, will be able to click on your request on such third party site, andwill be directed to our Website where they will have access to your contactdetails (Partial or complete), as would any other service provider on ourWebsite interested in bidding on your request


&nbsp If you are aService Professional the information that you post (other than your payment

information) is available to other users of our Website and our ServicesComments that users post to our Website also will be available to othervisitors to our Website (see our discussion of User Generated Content below).In addition, we will post the results (in aggregate form) of surveys to ourWebsite. If you are a consumer, name and location, as well as the details of

your request, are available to all visitors to our Website Biddingprofessionals also will be permitted to see the consumer’s full name,telephone number. email address and the location.


&nbsp We will discloseyour information, including, without limitation your name, city, state,

telephone number, email address, user ID history, quoting and listing history, and fraud complaints, to law enforcement or other government officials if we are required to do so by law, regulation or other government authority or otherwise in cooperation with an investigation of a governmental authority.


&nbsp In the event that BeepingMe undergoes a change in control, including, without limitation, a merger or sale of all or substantially all of BeepingMe assets to which this Website relates or other corporate reorganization in which BeepingMe participates,and is thus merged with or acquired by a third party entity Successor”), BeepingMe hereby reserves the right to transfer the information we have collected from the users of the Website and/or Services to such Successor.

&nbsp In addition in the event of BeepingMe bankruptcy, reorganization, receivership, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the application or laws or equitable principles affecting creditors’ rights generally, BeepingMe may not be able to control how your information is transferred used or treated and reserves the rightto transfer the information we have collected from the users of the Website and/or Services to non-affiliated third parties in such event.


&nbsp We may share your personal information with other Registered Users to whom you explicitly ask us to send your information or if you explicitly consent to such disclosure upon receipt of a specific Service For instance, when you contract for a specific Service with another Registered User, BeepingMe will send that Registered User a notice that includes the personal information that you have chosen to allow BeepingMe to reveal to users with whom you contract.

&nbsp F. Links to External Websites

&nbsp The Website may contain links to other websites or resources over with BeepingMe does not have any control Such links do not constitute an endorsement by BeepingMe of those external websites. You acknowledge that BeepingMe is providing these

links to you only as a convenience, and further agree that BeepingMe is not responsible for the content of such external websites. We are not responsible for the protection and Privacy of any information which you provide while visiting such external websites and such sites are not governed by this Policy. Your use of any external website is subject to the terms of use and Privacypolicy located on the linked to external Website.

&nbsp G. Updating, Deleting and Correcting Your Personal Information

&nbsp You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:

&nbsp You can review, correct and delete your personal information by logging into the Website and navigating to your preferences page in “Edit Profile.” You must promptly update your personal information if it changes or is inaccurate. Typically, we will not manually alter your personal information because it is very difficult to verify your identity remotely. Nonetheless, upon your request we will close your Account and remove your personal information from view assoon as reasonably possible based on your Account activity and in accordance with applicable law. We do retain information from closed Accounts in order to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations of any Registered User.

We enforce our Terms of Use and take any other actions otherwise permitted by law that we deem necessary in our sole and absolute discretion. You should understand, however, that once you publicly post a RequestOfferWant Feedback or any other information onto the Website, you may not be able to change or remove it. Once we have deleted or removed your Account, you agree that BeepingMeshall not be responsible for any personal information that was not included within your deleted and/or removes Account that remains on the Website.

&nbsp H. What Choices Do I Have Regarding Use of My Personal Information?

&nbsp We may send periodic promotional or informational emails to you. You may opt-out of such communications by following the opt-out instructions contained in the email.

Please note that it may take up to 10 business days for us to process opt-out requests. If you opt-out of receiving emails about recommendations or other information we think may interest you, we may still send you emails about your Account or any Services you have requested or received from us.

&nbsp I. Third-Party Ad Networks

&nbsp We participate in third party ad networks that may display advertisements on other websites based on your visits to our Site as well as other websites. This enables us and these third parties to target advertisements by displaying ads for products and

services in which you might be interested Third party ad network providers, advertisers, sponsors and/or traffic measurement services may use cookies, JavaScript web beacons (including clear GIFS), Flash LSOS and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These third party cookies and other technologiesare governed by each third party specific privacy policy, and not by BeepingMe Policy. We may provide these third-party advertisers with information about your usage of our Site and our services, as well as aggregate or non-personally identifiable information about visitors to our Site and Users of our Service.

&nbsp J. Your Full Name and Use of BeepingMe Information


&nbsp As a Registered User of the Website you will select a Full Name during the registration process. All of your activities on the Website will be traceable to your Full Name Certain other people including other Registered Users with whom you have transacted business via the Website, can see a large part of your activity on the Website. If you book a service with a Registered User, cancel a scheduled service with a Registered User receive an offer on your posted Service from a Registered User, or have posted a service BeepingMe may send a notice to you or the appropriate Registered User that includes your Full Name. Thus, if you

associate your real name with your Full Name, the people to whom you have revealed your name may be able to identify your Website activities personally.


&nbsp The Website facilitates your sharing of personal information with others in order to negotiate, provide, and use the Services. If you agree to contract for a service with another Registered User, you may need to reveal your name, email, phone number, or personal address to that individual so that the Service may be performed. Please respect the Privacy of others. You agree to use theinformation of other users solely for the following purposes: (a) BeepingMe transaction-related purposes, and (b) using Services offered through the Website.


&nbsp Your password is the key to your Account When creating your password you should use unique numbers, letters, special characters, and combinations thereof. In addition, DO NOT disclose your password to anyone. If you do share your password or your

personal information with others, you are solely responsible for all action taken via your Account If you lose control of your password, you may lose substantial control over your personal information and be subject to legally binding actions taken on your behalf. Thus, IF YOUR PASSWORD HAS BEEN COMPROMISED FOR ANY REASON. YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY BEEPINGME TO CHANGE


&nbsp K. User Generated Content

&nbsp We invite you to post content on our Website, including your comments, Feedback, pictures, and any other information that you would like to be available on our Website. If you post content to our Website, all of the information that you post will be available

to all visitors to our Website If you post your own content on our Website or Services, your posting may become public and BeepingMe cannot prevent such information from being used in a manner that may violate this Policy, the law, or your personal Privacy.